Innovative aerosol
extinguishing systems


DSPA extinguishing systems for healthcare facilities.

Healthcare facilities are often in the news when it comes to fire. The large number of patients, personnel and difficulties with regards to evacuation are the main reason for this. As a facility manager or director you are obligated to ensure the safety of these people, but despite all fire preventive measures, fires do break out and accidents happen.

DSPA offers fixed extinguishing systems for applications such as computer & server rooms, storage rooms, switch gear rooms, electrical cabinets and many other objects or rooms that contain fire hazards or represent great value for your facility.

A DSPA fire extinguishing system typically consists of one or more DSPA aerosol generators and a highly sophisticated fire detection system, assuring the customer to be notified in the early developing phase of the fire, thus giving the customer the chance to prevent many unnecessary damages. By applying the system inside the object (e.g. Electrical cabinet), this “early warning” can be reduced even further.  If a fire does develop, the DSPA generators will activate and quickly extinguish the fire. DSPA aerosol generators are highly effective, non-pressurized and environmental friendly.

A DSPA extinguishing system is also uniquely safe: It is not pressurized and does not affect oxygen levels. It is officially tested as non-toxic, making a DSPA system perfect for many applications in healthcare facilities.

Other advantages:

  • Easily adaptable to your existing alarm system
  • Very cost efficient
  • Easy to maintain
  • Requires no expensive pipe work
  • Easy to install


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